Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sheer Lip Tint

Cleaning out the drawers of old lipsticks made me aware of how many I have that are just about gone so this tip couldn't have been found at a better time.


The Mother of Invention

Mama B’s of babies and toddlers don’t usually have time for lots of make-up—most women we know apply moisturizer and lip balm and call it a day. We’re always on the lookout for quick, cheap beauty tips, and recently, by sheer serendipity, we discovered a good trick.

A certain inquisitive two-year-old got into our make-up bag. Eager to explore the magic of twisting lip balm containers, this toddler broke off our favorite, practically unused Weleda EVERON lip balm. Arg. We were about to toss it in the trash when it occurred to us that we’d be better off saving the broken balm. We found a tiny plastic container, smashed the balm inside, then added a small bit of our favorite intense red lipstick (a splurge, which we feel guilty for not using more). The result? Best made-to-order lip tint we’ve ever used. Hands down. Totally wearable and sheer, need no mirror to apply. If you’ve got lipsticks in shades you love but you aren’t in a lipstick-wearing frame of mind, mix a dab with good clear balm and color yourself gorgeous.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring Cleaning

Well I don't know about you but I'm deep into spring cleaning. It started with the cabinet under the bathroom sink and spread to my vanity table in the bedroom, from there it was a simple step to my dresser. And then the big one was the rummage sale to benefit the free clinic where I took 11 boxes of rummage from kitchen stuff to clothing (both women's and boy's), some jewelry, accessories, and a bike so far. Who knows what I will turn up in the morning before I go to volunteer duty there?

Next week it's back to the cleaning part of my evolution in clearing out the excess stuff. It's supposed to snow so that should help since I won't want to be out in it.